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$199 New Patient Special

(206) 402 - 3813

Our practitioners will put together a treatment plan that uses one, or more, different treatment options to help you achieve the best results!

What Is Microneedling?


Simply put, Micro-Needling is the insertion of very fine, short needles into the skin for the purpose of rejuvenation.

The premise is simple – create a small wound, and the skin will respond with collagen production and new skin cells.

Depending on the depth of the needle penetration, this can offer skin rejuvenation levels from the simple enhancement of product absorption (3000% increase!) to the clinical treatment of scars and wrinkles.


Microneedling at GoodMedizen

Microneedling at GoodMedizen is done with a TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) approach. The benefits that each patient has seen from it is continually impressive. After only 4 treatments, once per month, patients notice improvements that last for years. 


We use specially crafted TCM serums to achieve faster, deeper results. 

Microneedling improves acne scarring, helps with wrinkles, tightens skin, minimizes age spots, rejuvenates, and reduces signs of aging. 


Microneedling can be done by itself, or in conjunction with other therapies such as cosmetic acupuncture, nanoneedling, bio-light therapy, and more. 


Your practitioner will work with you to develop the right treatment plan to achieve your goals!

High Quality Equipment and Products to ensure safety, efficacy, and comfort. 

What About NanoNeedling?


NanoNeedling uses the same type of oscillating motion as MicroNeedling to treat the skin but the cartridge encompasses 81 silicone tips.


These microscopic, hair-like cones separate the skin cells within the epidermis to allow active products to be pushed into the skin.


NanoNeedling only affects the epidermis, treating within the upper .15mm of the skin.


The benefits of this serum infusion treatment include:

pigmentation reduction

increased cell turnover

skin rejuvenation

an immediate glow

no downtime


This treatment can be done weekly to exfoliate the skin and increase serum absorption. It is a great complement to Microneedling!

$199 New Patient Special!

(206) 402 - 3813


Other Cosmetic Procedures

Cosmetic Acupuncture

Bio Light Therapy

Facial Cupping

Gua Sha


Constitutional Acupuncture

Herbs & Supplements


Your practitioner will work with you to develop the right treatment plan and combination to achieve your goals!

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